Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Spurs
Heel pain is the most common complaint treated by Dr. Haspel in the office. Symptoms include pain upon the first step in the morning, along with possible burning, numbness and increased symptoms by the end of the day. Pain is usually caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament located on the bottom of the foot. In addition to foot pain, the development of a heel spur may ensue.
Dr. Haspel always provides a conservative plan of treatment for plantar fasciitis and heel spur syndrome including:
stretching exercises
oral medications
orthopedic appliances
The cornerstone of Dr. Haspel’s treatment involves the accurate fitting and dispensing of custom orthotic devices which are personally fabricated for each individual patient. Fortunately, most patients respond favorably to conservative treatment. For those patients that have heel pain conditions that fail to respond to conservative treatment, additional therapies including surgical intervention is also available. .